Thursday 10 January 2013


The windows in our new local Medical Centre, are set off with nasty rusty metal sections that, I assume, are intended to look 'contemporary', but which just look ugly and unfinished and are a (literally) open invitation to be stuffed with fag-ends, empty crisp packets, gum-wrappers and MacDonald's milkshake cups...

As for Zenith Window's window, it is, perhaps, not a great advertisement...

Why not take a look through some rather nicer windows on Window Gazing?


Arts and Crafts said...

Funny, my local medical center have big windows too, but with white bricks on the wall.

Perhaps this iron wall is to recall the patients the importance of the iron level in blood...:/

But I think I'll never like the windows of my medical center because I don't like to go to visit my doctor, I think that even a wonderful stained glass window could have something unpleasant in that sorrounding.

Brian Sibley said...

Wise words, Eudora!